In this edition: Epolitics update Article: Make It Visceral, Make It Real A few links to chew on Epolitics Update Hi folks, thanks to all the new subsribers who’ve joined the Epolitics Substack in the last few days, including our first paid...
Hi folks, I hope you’re holding it together. Count me as one of the millions who are truly afraid for the future of American democracy. If you haven’t seen it, check out last week’s quick guide to citizen activism in this new era...
After I posted on Facebook about an unelected private citizen (Elon Musk) taking over the running of big parts of the federal government over the weekend, a friend suggested that folks might appreciate a few things they can do themselves to push...
With the dizzying blast of political and policy changes coming so far this year, advocates and activists can feel overwhelmed. My new 2025 digital strategy and digital campaigning training series aims to help. We’ll cover topics essential to...
Hi folks, greetings from the campaign trenches! Political season kicked off early this year, and I’m already creating scads of digital ads for one client and lining up project plans and specialized vendors for others. Last week, though, I made...
Widespread AI search is only a couple of months old at this point, but it’s already attracted plenty of criticism. From bad medical advice to worse cooking advice (gasoline WILL spice up your spaghetti, after all), the AI summaries that Google...
How can campaigns and nonprofits raise money online? Let’s find out! Join me (long-time digital strategist Colin Delany) for a one-hour (roughly) online discussion at 3pm EDT on Thursday, June 27th to introduce you to the how, why and when of...
Update: you can now watch the video of this training on YouTube. Previously: Some news here: I’m starting a new series of free, one-hour(ish) online trainings covering essential digital advocacy and campaigning topics this summer. These should...
Back in far-off February, I delivered a social-media training for a long-time client, the Marine Fish Conservation Network. The Network includes a bunch of organizations that work on the ground (and the water) with commercial fishermen, recreational...
This article is adapted from Chapter 17 of the 2024 version of “How to Use the Internet to Change the World – and Win Elections”, now in its 11th edition. Download your copy of the definitive digital politics handbook today. Plenty...