Back in far-off February, I delivered a social-media training for a long-time client, the Marine Fish Conservation Network. The Network includes a bunch of organizations that work on the ground (and the water) with commercial fishermen, recreational fishermen, chefs and others who depend on having fish continue to exist. The Network also regularly hosts online Waterside Chats with figures in the marine conservation world, the recordings of which become podcasts and YouTube/Facebook videos after the live conversations end.
The episode below was our first take on a new idea, a series of Deeper Dives into advocacy topics. In the video, Network deputy director Tom Sadler and I take on social media for advocacy, naturally with an emphasis on the fisheries world. Examples of good and bad ideas abound, and astute viewers will note that Tom and I do not always agree, which heightens the fun and helps expand the range of information the video conveys.
See what you think! Get more details about the video on the YouTube page.
– cpd