Recognizing talent when they see it, House Democrats recently held a Twitter training featuring a star freshman member, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her day-to-day tweets show what the medium can do in the hands of someone who mastered it in her...
Another thought inspired by Priorities USA’s decision to put a digital expert in charge of ALL paid media: when organizations choose managers from the digital campaigning world, they’re more likely to be looking at women and people of...
Big news from one of the big spenders on the Independent Expenditure side of Democratic campaigning: Priorities USA Action, the top Democratic super PAC targeting President Donald Trump in 2020, is promoting its head of digital operations to a new...
With candidates like Elizabeth Warren snapping up talent and building capacity fast, the Democratic race for president is now well underway. Except for a handful of media stars like Warren, Biden, Beto or Sanders, the biggest problem for most...
“The Russian influence campaigns often pour gasoline on a fire that is already burning,†said Simon Rosenberg, who worked to counter disinformation for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “It is far more efficient and effective to...
This piece is adapted from Chapter Five of the 2018 edition of “How to Use the Internet to Change the World — and Win Elections. See also an earlier excerpt, “Ten Big Trends in Digital Politics & Advocacy”. For more on...
Adapted from Chapter Three of How to Use the Internet to Change the World — and Win Elections. Download your copy today. This piece is also published on Most of this book will dive deeply into the tools and tactics of digital...
In my latest piece for Blackbaud’s npENGAGE blog (last of a series of four articles), we walk through the options around a common nonprofit communications conundrum: A question I have often heard: should nonprofits focus on email or Facebook...
Top photo via Wikipedia The Parkland students continue to amaze — just today, I read about how David Hogg launched an advertiser boycott against conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham in the few HOURS after she mocked his rejection from...
As thousands of young people flood the National Mall and public spaces in cities across the country today, I’m consumed by thoughts of what they mean for the future of political organizing. “The children are our future” —...