Facebook really, really wants you to post your videos directly to your Page rather than publishing a link to the same video on YouTube. How much do they want you to do it? According to our old friend Beth Becker, and based on her experience running...
Here’s a quick tip from a social media discussion I sat in on sometime last spring (my notes have evaporated, alas, or I’d give a shout-out to whoever suggested it). If you’re publishing regularly on Facebook, consider taking a...
If I have one piece of advice for digital advocacy newbies, it’s this: learn HTML. You wouldn’t believe how many times it’s saved my ass. Every year, a new crop of aspiring digital communicators hits the street, many of them right...
With the year-end online fundraising blitz still in full effect, let’s look at a clever way to hijack the lists of some of those groups now filling our email inboxes to the brim. I don’t remember who taught me this one (I think I heard...
So, did you hear about the White House national security staffer who got fired over his private Twitter account? Apparently the bosses didn’t much like what he was posting, and once they finally figured out who he was, he was out the door. If...
Another useful bit of information from the Salsa Community Conference: according to ActionSprout’s Drew Bernard, groups that are running “Tell Congress to Reopen the Government” actions through his company’s service are...
Remember those creative advocacy campaigns we talked about last week? A couple of them illustrated a dirty little secret to Facebook success: if you want to get your content widely shared, and you have an email list, send out a message asking people...
It’s a mental shift for online communicators: don’t think about Facebook content as content, think of each piece as an action. I.e., a Facebook post isn’t really words or images, it’s a Share — it’s an action that...
Updated January, 2011 1. Think about the ends before you think about the means I know it sounds obvious to say that you should think about where you’re going before you decide how to get there, but I can’t tell you how many times a...