Of course it’s a trick question, since the answer is always going to be, “it depends”. Your circumstances influence the balance point between data and content, but one is rarely as useful as it could be without the other. All the...
An unsual email arrived last week from Hillary Clinton’s campaign (sender: Christina Reynolds). It seems to have gone out to out her general list rather than the Twitter posse specifically, because it encourages people to “join The...
Updated below. Unless you’ve turned off website notifications, here’s what you’ll see, in my case in the upper left corner: A website notification box, oh my. You can actually see it in Firefox as well as in Chrome now, assuming...
Oh wait, I already did: last week, I had the absolute pleasure of going on the FDH Lounge podcast for a political segment that host (and sports fiend) Rick Morris dubbed a primary season halftime report. Rick and I did our usual, this time running...
With a potential Trump nomination making Democrats dream of taking back the Senate and even the House, let’s revisit a bit of wisdom first published on Epolitics.com way back in 2009. This lesson is even MORE important seven years later, since...
Donald Trump may have backed down somewhat in his public spat with Pope Francis over walls and bridges, but let’s note a digital angle in all of this. As Reid Wilson pointed out on the Diane Rehm show this morning, the two infallible...
It’s caucus day! On the Right, will Trump’s voters show up, or will they just fume on the couch? Will Cruz’s investment in data help him get the votes he needs? On the Left, will Bernie’s followers’ passion rule, or...
Our old friend Laura Packard sends over this gem: JebCanFixIt.com. And guess what, the Jeb! campaign doesn’t own it. Instead, the domain is in the hands of former Austin, TX city council candidate Jimmy Flannigan, who ran in 2014 with the...
Louisiana votes for governor this month*, and intrepid Times-Picayune political reporter Julia O’Donoghue decided to see what happens when local voters Google the two surviving candidates, Republican David Vitter and Democrat John Bel Edwards...
According to information from analytics firm DataPulse, Marco Rubio saw a big boost in website traffic during and after last night’s Republican debate: Assuming that some percentage of the new site visitors join his email list or even make a...