Search results for - quick hit


Quick Hits — August 5, 2011

Because too much is never enough. Email suggests Perry “Poised to Enter” Presidential Race. Meanwhile, Gov. Perry Tweets About Meeting Khalilzad and Rick Perry Implores Conservatives To Follow Him On ‘Tweeter’. NationalField:...

Quick Hits — May 10, 2011

So THAT’S what a month’s worth of Quick Hits looks like. Gingrich to announce for president via Facebook and Twitter. Update: An appropriate response. Understanding the Staggering Spread of Keith Urbahn’s bin Laden Tweet and Bin...

Quick Hits — April 3, 2011

Now blooming: the first Quick Hits of spring. Obama reelection announcement will be a digital extravaganza (Update: it was). Also note the possibility of a big Dem independent expenditure group forming. Update: C.f. What Obama’s re-election...