4013 is the Magic Number

Download Winning in 2012

Why magic? Because that’s how many times the new Epolitics.com e-book, How Campaigns Can Use the Internet to Win in 2012: had been downloaded as of 5:30 this morning. And of course, that number doesn’t include any forwarding-via-email, thumb drive, printout, floppy disk, microdot, carrier pigeon, etc. Most people (not surprisingly) have gone for the free PDF, but over 100 have shelled out the big $2.99 to buy the Kindle version in the Amazon store.

Thanks again, everyone who’s helped spread the word! Y’all rock. Note, though, that the “Learning from Obama” e-book/guide to the 2008 online campaign continues to do just as well — it’s actually been downloaded a handful more times so far this month than the new book. Can’t argue with a classic!

Next up: onward, through the fog. I.e., I’m as curious as you to see what kind of trouble we can get into.


Written by
Colin Delany
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