Update: More online Palin-related satire. Somebody left the following video critique of the Republican vice-presidential pick as a link on the tPrez version of the Sarah Palin is Your New Segway article, so let’s reward a likely act of blatant...
Cross-posted on techPresident This just in from my friend Chris Cosart: the time of reckoning is at hand. I.e., the internet is turning its collective “genius” on Sarah Palin, meaning that she’s transcended the merely mortal to...
Cross-posted on techPresident Eight million list members. One million MyBarackObama members. Nearly two million Facebook/MySpace “friends.” A couple of million online donors. By the time November comes around, those numbers will have...
Cross-posted on techPresident Here’s a clever idea — install a web browser toolbar sponsored by the Republican National Committee and you can raise money for the RNC “through normal online activities such as searching and shopping...
Another resource page! This one’s for a New Organizing Institute training session for future campaign staff, activists and organizers. The topic: online video. The emphasis: blowing audiences away. The takeaway: video can be fun for you, me...
A great point from Clay Shirky in the audience at PDF: if you really look at MyBarackObama, it seems like a social network but it actually contains relatively little lateral conversation. I.e., it’s portrayed as a social network, but people...
The Democratic presidential contest finally landed in DC over the last couple of weeks, with the Clinton and Obama campaigns gunning for a share of the rich lode of Democratic voters in the diverse neighborhoods of Mount Pleasant and Adams Morgan...