In this edition: 73 good stories related to digital politics and advocacy. How do you mobilize people during a pandemic? C.f. How To Connect With Audiences Sheltering In Place. Guide: Political Campaigning in the Time of Social Distancing. As...
Hey gang! Time for a [slightly belated] book-release party for the 2019 edition of “How to Use the Internet to Change the World – and Win Elections”. Even more better: a party with a panel of digital politics experts to teach us a...
Yussi Pick is an award-winning digital campaigner at Pick & Barth Digital Strategies based in Vienna, Austria and Washington, DC. Sign up for his weekly Campaigner’s Tips at Thanks to longtime reader...
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Hi folks, sorry for the recent content shortage — I’ve been swamped with work and other commitments pre-South by Southwest and had to let the site rest for a bit. One adventure last week? An all-morning training for government relations...
The latest news from the state of Massachusetts apparently shows a tightening race to replace John Kerry in the Senate. The White House is certainly acting like they believe it’s a real trend: they’re sending surrogates and working to...
Step One in an e.pol publishing revival: clear the Quick Hits queue. Let’s get ready to rumble. Marco Rubio’s water grab becomes the talk of Twitter and social media, as Sen. Marco Rubio’s mid-speech water gulp goes viral on...
Guest article! In the piece below, Beekeeper Group’s Justin Kutner looks at social photo site Instagram as it’s playing out in the 2012 elections. Note that Beekeeper’s Shana Glickfield and Henri Makembe have appeared in our august...
Hi folks, the other day I started wondering just how many people had contributed content to since the site launched, so I decided to go diggin’. It turns out that sizable bunch of kick-ass experts have shared their wisdom with us...
It’s an online politics celebration! Good friend and regular contributor Henri Makembe is leaving Blue State Digital to join Shana Glickfield and the rest of the crew over at The Beekeeper Group (where they keep the buzz going...