— Crashed or Pulled Down?

Cross-posted on techPresident

I’ve been trying to get through to the new John Edwards-created, which is supposed to be a little microsite that knocks Clinton for the apparently planted question at a citizen forum. Problem is, the site seems to be down — I get a blank screen when I try to view it with both Firefox and IE, and “view source” shows that the page contains only header information, no actual content. The site sounds like a fun idea, and its launch yesterday picked up some media and blog coverage, but it seems to have encountered problems since then. Did it go down for technical or tactical reasons? Enquiring minds want to know.

Update: According to an email from campaign staff, it was only a “a fun little debate day website” and not intended for posterity. I’m jealous; Wired’s Sarah Lai Stirland received a very bad pun in reply when she asked the same question.


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Colin Delany
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