Off to PDF, and other Adventures

Hi folks, e.politics is fixin’ to relocate to NYC for a couple of days, planning to hang out at the Personal Democracy Forum and check out the scene. Note the just-announced presidential Twitter debate — clever idea, and a well-timed promo hit as well. Look me up if you’re around; we’ll sniff out good party Monday night.

Thanks to everybody who helped spread the word about Online Politics 101 — in its first 48 hours on Earth, it was been downloaded more than 2000 times and had scored a good dozen blog hits and at least two stumbles (whatever those are). Good times all around; we should start a cult. I’ll be in charge of blatant, shameless self-promotion.

After PDF, it’s back to DC for the Media Future Now luncheon discussion, “Who Owns What?” — we’ll be looking at intellectual property in a digital age from a cultural and political point of view. I’m brushing up on my late-80s/early 90s hip hop beats and collaborative-culture rhymes, working toward a fully realized rip/mix/burn social media tirade of epic proportions — oh, yeah. After that, it’s the Democracy In Action conference and a presentation we’re tentatively calling “Cheap, Quick and (Sometimes) Dirty: Creating Integrated Online Campaigns Using Off-The-Shelf Parts.” Should be a hoot.


Written by
Colin Delany
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