Search Engine Optimization Tools

Hey kids, let’s boost our Google rank and become immensely popular and get to sit at the cool table at lunch and stuff. We know the basic methods because we’ve done our homework, but how do we keep track of the results?

A site called (“search engine tools for webmasters”) is a good place to start. You can use it to check your Google page rank (damn, e.politics is only a 5 — but it just launched two weeks ago) and Alexa ranking, find sites that link to you, get SEO suggestions, etc.

And, if search is a significant part of your marketing plan, you should be checking two sites regularly: the venerable Search Engine Watch and a site that’s relatively new to me, SEO Chat. Both have tools and tips and also keep up with the latest news in the Intriguing World of Online Search.


Written by
Colin Delany
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