After Labor Day, catching up with the advocacy blogs, and more.
- Presidential (campaign) Expenditures — note how little goes to online media.
- How to fake a grassroots uprising. C.f. How To Identify Astroturfers And Front Groups, via Craig Newmark.
- Texas Republicans’ Google Ad FAIL.
- Targeting Sarah Palin’s Supporters on Facebook.
- Questions for Andy Hunn of Political Ad Net, Resonate Networks.
- Traveling Indian Food Truck Advocacy. Learning from the REAL pros.
- White House Will Post Visitor Logs Online.
- SwingVine Keeps A Pulse On What’s Trending On The Web.
- An Interview with Sarah Koch from Facebook Causes.
- Fighting for the Right: The WorldNetDaily story continues.
- Google Shines a Deeper Spotlight on News. Via A Loyal Reader (thanks Dad).
- State 2.0: lessons for e-politics from networked journalism.
- How a Small Nonprofit Used Social Media & Crowd-Sourcing to Win the 2009 Global Giving Challenge.
- Online Marketing Best Practices from the Obama Campaign. M&R moves in on our turf.
- Four Tools for Managing Twitter Followers.
- Twitter and News Organizations.
- Twitter: “pointless babble” or peripheral awareness + social grooming?
- Nonprofits Still Far from Connecting Twitter to Tangible Activism.
- Diebold Unloads Beleaguered Voting Machine Division.
- Story on the internet too good to be true? Shocker.
- Social Media Anger Management Tips.
- TechCrunch and the New New Journalism.
- Friends, not editors, shape internet habits, via Nisha Chittal.
- Building a Facebook Fan Page – California State Parks Foundation (CSPF) Case Study.
- White Paper: Engaging the New Influencers.
- Strategic Blogging for Nonprofits.
- A Data Picture is Worth More Than 1,000 Words.
- How not to write headlines that will motivate donors. C.f. How NOT to Raise Money Online.
- Web Content is Really Hard to Write. E.pol concurs most wholeheartedly.
- Women in/and political blogging Redux.
- 3 Proven Ways to Make an Impact When Message Control Is Out of Your Hands.
- How to Run Advertising in Google’s Content Network.
- Political Consultants Wade Into Search Engine Ad Fight.
- Gurus Are Not Enough: A Call for Organizers and Organizing in Social Media.
- Eric Explains: XML.
- Cyber titans of Silicon Valley turning to politics.
- On the dangers of social media, part I: Are You a Twitter Oversharer? Beware, You Might Get Twaxed.
- On the dangers of social media, part II: Trapped Girls Updated Facebook Status Instead of Calling For Help.
- Japanese PM’s 80s pop tunes strike a chord with online fans. No word on whether they were written by Venusians.
- Which is faster at transferring data in South Africa — the internet, or a pigeon with a memory card taped to its leg?, via Noel Hidalgo. My money’s on the bird.
Still not done with your post-holiday procrastination? Travel back in time for more Quick Hits.
– cpd